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Smart Studios - Advertising, Television, Discussion & Downlo

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baby dragon

Smart Studios - Advertising, Television, Discussion & Downlo Smart_Studios
Forum Name:
Smart Studios
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Forum Description:
Smart Studios offers the best and latest in entertainment! There are TV shows to watch, plenty of exclusive downloads for the members, and tons more at Smart Studios! No matter what you enjoy, whether it be media, or just discussion, come join the forum today. We also run roleplays and various other fun activities.
We also have an Advertisement policy that if you submit your site in the WWW.'s section you will get at least one view if you have a website and you will get at least a member... WWW.'s and dont worry no post count is needed, you can simply join and post the topic. Our own forum has over 36,100 posts and over 680 members so we do receive alot of traffic which could help you!
Want to end this advert with some quotes/testomonials from real members? :
"Haha, I can vouch for how awesome this place is...I don't socialize much outside of the WWW. forum, but I know how hard Chrisy. works to make the site a success. Great staff, great community, fun times...I agree, SS is awesome..." Cinder

"You are probably the most dedicated admin on Zetaboards right now. Through all the inactivity and whatnot, you keep pulling through. I salute you." Philosoraptor

"I would just like to compliment you on the success of Smart Studios. You have a great community here. I have seen many general chat forums explode with activity, then become inactive. Yours is the best general chat forum I've seen. Keep up the good work." Wierdo
Anyway get on down,
Join Today

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