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In the Dragon Den

3 posters

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1In the Dragon Den Empty In the Dragon Den Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:37 am


baby dragon

So here we are in the Dragon Den. Take a look at the logo image at the top and imagine yourself there in that world. Now we can pretend that we are there and make up a story. I will start and the next person will add something and the next person will add another part of the story and so on.
Ok here goes:

Well I was walking down the pathway and I seen a shiny object under some leaves. I took a closer look at it and I was astonished to find out it was a

2In the Dragon Den Empty Re: In the Dragon Den Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:20 am


Official first member

spoon. What are these for I asked. While looking at the spoon he saw in the reflection a

Last edited by Montrose on Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)


3In the Dragon Den Empty Re: In the Dragon Den Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:21 am


baby dragon

dragon sneaking up on him. He then

4In the Dragon Den Empty Re: In the Dragon Den Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:36 am



I may open a new forum for this.

ok my turn

started to eat the tree next to me,apparently he's a vegetarian.


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